Maison Adrien project

17 March 2023 | Our projects

René Molinès is a man with a big heart, and the Jacques Martel foundation is proud to support him !

He created the Adrien Association, named after his son, who died in 2005, to help children and their families who are confronted with illness.
In concrete terms, the Adrien association intervenes in hospitals during “Super Hero” events, to make children dream and smile. The Adrien association also supports them by organizing outings, trips, birthday parties… To break their isolation. Finally, listening and advising families are at the heart of the association’s activities.

René Molines’ latest project is to offer sick children and their families a holiday center – a bubble of joy and sweetness – to help them live together and strengthen family ties.

The holiday center is risen in Pégomas. It was inaugurated in June 2023 and the Jacques Martel foundation is very happy to support this project financially, and through future events, such as the organization of a concert with musicians from the Nice Opera, of which the Fonds is also a patron.