A look back at actions taken in 2023

28 December 2023 | Our actions

As the year is ending, it’s an excellent opportunity to look back on our successful missions in 2023 and to thank all the benefactors of the Jacques Martel Foundation; your commitment is invaluable!

This year has seen a succession of projects that have generated a great deal of commitment and smiles! The Jacques Martel Foundation is proud to have been able to support such great successes as :

– Supporting the OpĂ©ra de Nice in its drive to open up the institution to as many people as possible, especially children

– Supporting the communication campaign to recruit volunteer readers for the Lire et Faire Lire association.

– The donation of school supplies by Ollivier to the school in Saint CĂ©zaire sur Siagne

– Support for the re-edition of a book of games distributed to children in paediatric hospital wards by the LEA association.

– Support for the Maison Adrien, a wonderful project run by RenĂ© MolinĂšs of the Association Adrien

– Co-hosting an educational stand with the 4myplanet association at the Voiles d’Antibes sailing festival

– The recent partnership with the No Plastic in My Sea association to fight against the use of single-use plastics

– Occasional contributions to actions in support of associations or causes close to our hearts: Vaincre la mucoviscidose, Ensemble pour Louca, the collection of micro-waste in the Mediterranean Sea, etc.

Thanks also to all these associations for their sharing, their pugnacity and their generosity throughout the year.