Opéra participatif à l’Opéra de Nice
We are very happy to accompany the Opéra de Nice in the production of a participative opera: “L’Arche de Noé”, by Benjamin Britten, under the direction of Eric Oberdorff.
For several years now, the Nice Opera has been pursuing a policy of openness, particularly towards young audiences. This policy is perfectly in line with our mission “To support education”.
“L’Arche de Noé”is a highlight of this young audience programming. The principle of participatory opera, which invites the audience to interact with the stage, reduces the barriers between the auditorium and the stage, and the distance from an art form often considered elitist and reserved for the older generation.
In a desire to create synergies between our different missions, we are also working with the Opera on the opportunity to bring music to children. The idea is to organize a concert at the Maison Adrien, a holiday center for sick children and their families. A beautiful moment of sharing in perspective.