The Jacques Martel Foundation takes action against dropping out of school with “Les petits invincibles”

26 June 2024 | Our actions

The Jacques Martel Foundation has discovered the association “Les petits invincibles” as part of its “Education of the young” mission. We believe that the fight against school drop-out* is important, and this is one of the objectives pursued by this association, which is globally committed to the fight for child protection.

There are many reasons why children drop out of school – bullying and cyberbullying are part of the equation – and to combat this, the association is dedicated to supporting child victims by offering them specialised psychological support. The voice of the child is all too often neglected, and Les petits invincibles gives it a central place.

We salute its work.

* Dropping out of school in France is a worrying phenomenon that affects a significant number of pupils, with an estimated 80,000 young people leaving the education system without a qualification each year (source: Fondation de France).