Jacques Martel fund projects
A new commitment as part of the “supporting education” mission
To begin the year on a high note, we’re going to talk about children & trees
Planting trees with the “Des Enfants et des Arbres” association
To begin the year on a high note, we’re going to talk about children & trees
A look back at actions taken in 2023
The end of the year is approaching, time to look back on 12 months of commitment. Thank you 🙏
Meeting with the association “Lire et Faire Lire”
As part of its mission to encourage education for the very young, the Jacques Martel Foundation supports the Lire et Faire Lire association, and was pleased to interview a volunteer reader and the association’s coordinator in the riviera area. Happy reading!
The Jacques Martel Foundation supports the association « Vaincre la Mucoviscidose »
The Jacques Martel Foundation supports the association “Vaincre la Mucoviscidose” during the “Virades de l’Espoir”.
Promoting a love of reading
Here’s a mission that caught our attention! It’s that of the association Lire et faire Lire, which the Jacques Martel Foundation recently decided to support. Through this mission, the association Lire et faire Lire pursues two objectives: An educational objective,...
Keep up to date with the Jacques Martel Foundation