Jacques Martel fund projects

Jacques Martel foundation supports the Association Adrien

Jacques Martel foundation supports the Association Adrien

During this Christmas season, the Jacques Martel foundation is committed for the first time alongside the Association Adrien. This association supports sick children and their families. Its vocation is to improve the daily life of hospitalized children through...

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Supporting sick children and their families

Supporting sick children and their families

The Aromatech-U PROAM For several years now, Aromatech and Système U have been co-organizing the International PRO-AM for the food and retail sectors, which brings together professional and amateur golfers in the enchanting setting of the Royal Mougins Golf Resort. In...

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Protection of marine resources

Protection of marine resources

4MYPLANET SPONSORSHIP, A PROJECT AT THE HEART OF CURRENT CLIMATE ISSUES The Jacques Martel foundation joins the association 4myplanet in its fight to save and protect the seabed. Created in 2009 by Alexia Barrier, 4myplanet is committed to the protection of the seabed...

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